lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013


                                              THE OTHER SIDE

-What is this darkness ? Where am I? Why I can not move ?

All these questions Paul did. A terrible anguish pervaded his whole being. He could feel the beat of his heart racing. Yes, it was his heart, it was the only thing that was certain. Now also heard one faint beeping sound, faint and continuous.

-But why is so dark ? Why I can hear, and yet I see nothing ?

-Wait, I see something, yes, like a dim light, pale white turns yellow.

-Is a lamp, yes, now I see it more clear way.

-Now I see a room, yes, I am in a hospital room.

-I see a window but not hard just light , the shutter is thrown , I also see a large vase full of yellow roses, the favorite of my wife and mine .

-Why am I here?

-I do not remember.

-Wait, I hear footsteps, someone coming over, maybe I can explain what happens.

When he entered the room accompanied by a doctor woman.

-Sky Hi, you 're beautiful, can you tell me what am I doing here? -asked Paul.

Sonia said nothing, the doctor either. She and the doctor were limited to him with some expression sadness.

-Honey, can not you hear me? Paul asked in anguish.

-Today, five years ago that are here, they have informed me that you can no longer remain longer occupying the room said the afflicted doctor.

Sonia took her hand and sat down next to him, two big tears running down her beautiful face ruefully .

-The left alone for a moment, if you need anything you know where I am, 'said the doctor.

Paul was confused, did not understand, I felt an unbearable anguish and shame to corroded the soul. His wife gently caressed his face, and tears surfaced by now.

He felt helpless to infinity, I could do nothing for her noticing him, was still
there. I wanted to scream, I wanted to move, wanted to open his eyes, but all in vain.

-Since the accident five years ago, I came to see you every day, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, and how you repay me ?

-I was hoping you'd come back itself, to be back to my side, and next to your children, they also miss you and need you less.'I see you do not want to go back there where you are.

Paul died of grief on hearing Sonia, not wish on your worst enemy to go through that terrible situation.

She screamed even louder, trying to sit with all his might, and tried desperately
open your eyes, but everything was the same, his attempts this time, also were in vain.

-I have consulted the best experts, and all, damn them all!, have reached the same conclusion, a coma is irreversible.'I did not want to believe them, and I clung to a hope that I now becomes useless, barren, without sense.

-I have weighed the idea to take home with us, but maybe it's a good idea, not by the medical costs, but because it may be worse for me and the kids keep seeing in that state, we suffer every day to see you there prostrate as if you were a vegetable, and prolong this suffering I do not think anyone does good .

Paul wanted to hold on with all his might to life, fighting to show himself some gesture to draw the attention of Sonia .

-God, if you exist really do not do this, please help me, please I can move,
even shed a few tears, which is for her to realize that I'm still here! Cried Paul inside.

-Well love, I just want you to know that I have done everything that has been in my power to get you your state, I'll miss you, and your children too, Sonia said while crying inconsolably.

Paul kissed on the lips, and placed a yellow rose in his chest, he walked to the door and before leaving he turned to him.

-I love you, he whispered and closed the door .

Two big tears welled up in his eyes closed Paul ...


Andy Garcia

Novels (published in / com )

Codex Sinaiticus Project " The Secret Gospel "
The Finding
The Grotto
The Sign of Amun

– Stories
Al Otro Lado ( microrelato )
The Forgotten Spirit
The Writer
The Graveyard
The Legend

Twitter: @ andygarmont

Desire Fulfilled Web Page:

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